Literature Meets Artificial Intelligence: The Way Ahead

Mayukh Bagchi1

Bagchi, M. (2023). Literature Meets Artificial Intelligence: The Way Ahead. InterViews: An Interdisciplinary Journal in Social Sciences, 10(1), pp. 128-131.


This short communication has three specific objectives. First, it provides a contextualization of the increasing convergence between literature and artificial intelligence (AI). Second, it unpacks the Representational Entanglement problem when literary works are modelled following the Knowledge Representation paradigm of AI. Third, it reviews the notion of Representational Disentanglement to tackle Representational Entanglement in literary AI models.

Keywords: Literature, AI, knowledge representation, representational entanglement, representational disentanglement

1Mayukh Bagchi is a Research Scholar at the Department of Information Engineering & Computer Science (DISI), University of Trento, Italy. Correspondence regarding this article must be directed to: